Generated Documentation for AutoincrementAttribute

This extension allows to configure an attribute to be populated by one sequence

It relies on an Autoincrement extension to have been configured prior and will use one sequence to populate the attribute.

Assuming the Autoincrement is already configured, you will minimally want to create a simple request criteria to curtail the plugin operation, like:

dsconfig create-request-criteria 
    --criteria-name new-employee  
    --type simple  
    --set operation-type:add  
    --set operation-origin:external-request  
    --set included-target-entry-dn:ou=People,dc=example,dc=com  
    --set "any-included-target-entry-filter:(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)"  
    --set "any-included-target-entry-filter:(objectClass=ubidPerson)"  
    --set "any-included-target-entry-filter:(objectClass=ubidPersonAux)" 

Then you can create an AutoincrementAttribute plugin like so:

    dsconfig create-plugin 
    --plugin-name auto-new-employee-id  
    --type third-party  
    --set enabled:true  
    --set plugin-type:preparseadd  
    --set invoke-for-internal-operations:false  
    --set request-criteria:new-employee 
    --set extension-class:com.pingidentity.ds.plugin.AutoincrementAttribute  
    --set extension-argument:sequence-dn=uid=sequence.0,dc=example,dc=com  
    --set extension-argument:attribute=employeeNumber

Allowed Arguments

Argument Name: sequence-dn
Description: The DN of the sequence to use to populate the attribute
Data Type: LDAP Distinguished Name
Is Required: true
Maximum Occurrences: 1

Argument Name: attribute
Description: The attribute to populate with the value of the target sequence
Data Type: String
Is Required: true
Maximum Occurrences: 1

Argument Name: valueAttribute
Description: Name of the attributeName containing the sequence value.
Data Type: String
Is Required: false
Maximum Occurrences: 1