Generated Documentation for Autoincrement

This extension implements an autoincrement mechanism for PingDirectory.

The autoincrement behavior is controlled by creating sequence entries.
These entries serve to:

In addition, the autoicrement extension has arguments to curtail the location in the DIT where sequence entries will be actively maintained:The defaults should work out of the box for most users. Here is an example of creating an instance of the extension:
dsconfig create-plugin 
    --plugin-name Autoincrement  
    --type third-party  
    --set enabled:false  
    --set plugin-type:postoperationadd  
    --set plugin-type:postoperationdelete  
    --set plugin-type:postoperationmodify  
    --set plugin-type:postoperationmodifydn  
    --set plugin-type:preparsesearch  
    --set extension-class:com.pingidentity.ds.plugin.Autoincrement 
    --set extension-argument:base=dc=example,dc=com
Here is an example sequence entry:
dn: uid=sequence.0,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: autoincrementSequence
objectClass: uidObject
uid: sequence.0
autoincrementSequenceCache: 0
autoincrementSequenceCycle: 0
autoincrementSequenceIncrement: 1
autoincrementSequenceMax: 10000000
autoincrementSequenceMin: 0
autoincrementSequenceValue: 0

Allowed Arguments

Argument Name: incrementAttribute
Description: Name of the attributeName containing the sequence value. (default:autoincrementSequenceIncrement)
Data Type: String
Is Required: true
Maximum Occurrences: 1

Argument Name: minAttribute
Description: Name of the attributeName containing the sequence minimum value. (default:autoincrementSequenceMin)
Data Type: String
Is Required: true
Maximum Occurrences: 1

Argument Name: maxAttribute
Description: Name of the attributeName containing the sequence maximum value. (default:autoincrementSequenceMax)
Data Type: String
Is Required: true
Maximum Occurrences: 1

Argument Name: cycleAttribute
Description: Name of the attributeName containing the sequence cycle value. (default:autoincrementSequenceCycle)
Data Type: String
Is Required: true
Maximum Occurrences: 1

Argument Name: cacheAttribute
Description: Name of the attributeName containing the sequence cache value. (default:autoincrementSequenceCache)
Data Type: String
Is Required: true
Maximum Occurrences: 1

Argument Name: valueAttribute
Description: Name of the attributeName containing the sequence value. (default:autoincrementSequenceValue)
Data Type: String
Is Required: true
Maximum Occurrences: 1

Argument Name: base
Description: Base DN where sequence entries relevant for this instance of the plugin are stored (default: "")
Data Type: LDAP Distinguished Name
Is Required: false
Maximum Occurrences: 1

Argument Name: filter
Description: Filter to narrow down which entries this plugin should search to retrieve and initialize sequences from. (default: (objectClass=autoincrementSequence))
Data Type: LDAP Search Filter
Is Required: false
Maximum Occurrences: 1