Generated Documentation for Controls Injector

An extension that allows to inject controls to incoming requests.

Supported controls and their OIDs:

The list above is provided because you may have to add ACI rules to allow for the control to be used. For example:

(targetcontrol="")(version 3.0; acl "allow use of NoOp control on own entry"; allow(read) userdn="ldap:///self";)

Allowed Arguments

Argument Name: request-control
Description: The name of a supported request control. Currently supported controls list: AdministrativeOperation DontUseCopy ExtendedSchemaInfo HardDelete IgnoreNoUserModification ManageDsaIT NameWithEntryUUID NoOp PermissiveModify RealAttributesOnly ReplicationRepair RetainIdentity ReturnConflictEntries Subentries SubtreeDelete SuppressReferentialIntegrityUpdates Undelete VirtualAttributesOnly
Data Type: String
Is Required: true
Maximum Occurrences: 1